Psht.. no xD People wouldn't take me seriously..they'd be wondering who I am first of all. Second, they'd instantly guess it's one of the already there GM's,and third they'd probably argue with me first before listening to what I tell them to do.xD
Psht the only order that'll come to the server is if Apple and Valkyrja either become really stern and become like those soldiers in the boot camps, or if I become really strict,mean and disciplined and smack players around til they either quit or obey me..xD
Yes Valk left sadly..and yea the players really should start Obeying the GM's. They do w/e they want thinking the GM's won't act upon them..well i'm going to end up being a strict "nun" as some people call me..*cough* Only because I wore that coif..<.<:; xD
One time while hosting an event, Everyone wouldn't line up so I was like "Hey idiots, line up correctly." x3; I had a headache during that time, I couldn't stand the complaining.
Psht...People dun change that'll just have to hope for the influence of the good innocent players.. and no you don't count Yuki, you've been...TAINTED !!!!! !!!!! !!!!
Pssht..Ruby was the one who tainted you first D: Though Cookie and I did get you preggie ..... And *points to Angel DP* I am technically pure and innocent .... xD